Difference Between CGST, SGST, and IGST

Difference Between CGST  SGST and IGST

Difference Between CGST, SGST, and IGST

India's Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a comprehensive, multi-stage, destination-based tax system that has replaced various indirect taxes. GST is divided into three main types: Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST), State Goods and Services Tax (SGST), and Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST). Understanding the differences between these taxes is essential for compliance and efficient tax management.

What is CGST?

Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST) is levied by the Central Government on intra-state supplies of goods and services. It replaces central taxes like Central Excise Duty, Service Tax, and additional excise and customs duties. The revenue collected under CGST goes to the Central Government.

Key Points:

  • Levied on intra-state transactions.
  • Collected by the Central Government.
  • Input tax credit of CGST can be used against CGST or IGST.

What is SGST?

State Goods and Services Tax (SGST) is levied by the State Government on the same intra-state supplies of goods and services as CGST. SGST replaces state taxes like Value Added Tax (VAT), Sales Tax, and Entertainment Tax. The revenue collected under SGST goes to the respective State Government.

Key Points:

  • Levied on intra-state transactions.
  • Collected by the State Government.
  • Input tax credit of SGST can be used against SGST or IGST.

What is IGST?

Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST) is levied on inter-state supplies of goods and services, as well as on imports and exports. IGST is governed by the IGST Act and ensures seamless input tax credit flow between states. The revenue collected under IGST is shared between the Central and State Governments.

Key Points:

  • Levied on inter-state transactions and imports/exports.
  • Collected by the Central Government and distributed between the Centre and states.
  • Input tax credit of IGST can be used against IGST, CGST, or SGST.

Key Differences Between CGST, SGST, and IGST


Understanding the differences between CGST, SGST, and IGST is crucial for businesses to ensure proper compliance with GST laws. These three types of GST ensure that tax revenues are appropriately distributed between the central and state governments, facilitating smooth interstate trade and a unified tax system in India. For comprehensive GST compliance and advisory services, contact Manoj Kumar D & Associates (MKDA) to ensure your business navigates the complexities of GST efficiently and effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use IGST to pay CGST and SGST?

Yes, you can use the input tax credit (ITC) of IGST to pay IGST first, and then CGST and SGST in that order. The utilization hierarchy is: IGST can be used to pay IGST, then CGST, and lastly SGST/UTGST.

What if IGST is paid instead of CGST and SGST?

If IGST is paid instead of CGST and SGST, it may lead to a mismatch in the tax liability and ITC claims. The taxpayer will need to rectify this error by filing a revised return or making an adjustment in subsequent returns. In some cases, this may involve reversing the incorrect credit and paying the correct tax along with interest and possible penalties.

Can we transfer SGST to IGST?

No, SGST cannot be directly transferred to IGST. The input tax credit of SGST can only be used to pay SGST and IGST, but not CGST. The utilization of SGST credit against IGST can be done only after utilizing it for SGST liability.

What is the penalty for IGST?

The penalties for non-compliance with IGST provisions include:

  • Late filing: A late fee of Rs. 100 per day under IGST (subject to a maximum of Rs. 5,000).
  • Late payment: Interest at the rate of 18% per annum on the outstanding tax amount.
  • Incorrect returns: If there are discrepancies or incorrect information, penalties can be up to 10% of the tax amount due (subject to a minimum of Rs. 10,000).
  • Fraudulent activities: In cases of deliberate fraud, the penalty can be up to 100% of the tax amount due.

How do you divide IGST to CGST and SGST?

The division of IGST to CGST and SGST occurs during inter-state transactions. When an inter-state sale is made, IGST is levied. The revenue collected as IGST is then apportioned between the Central Government (CGST) and the respective State Government (SGST) based on the place of supply. The exact apportionment is governed by the GST law and ensures that both the center and the state receive their respective shares of the tax.