Benefits of trademark registration


What Are The Benefits Of Trademark Registration?

A trademark is a type of intellectual property that designates a word, phrase, or combination of letters that is instantly recognisable, as well as a symbol, tagline, slogan, or other indication that helps set a particular product apart from similar ones. Generally, trademarks are intended to prove a product's unique identification and to acknowledge the company that owns the brand.

A trademark is an important component of an entity because it helps consumers distinguish a product from that of a company's competitors based on specific words, design elements, bands, slogans, or other features associated with a product or service. It also helps consumers distinguish products within the same systems.

Trademarks could be registered or unregistered. Nonetheless, a trademark must be registered to be shielded from infringement. Consequently, business owners must understand the advantages of trademark registration. An in-depth discussion of the many benefits of trademark registrations will be provided in this article.

Why Is It Important to Trademark?

  • You must register your trademark if you want your business, brand, product, or service to stand out.
  • By registering your trademark, you may prevent potential needless rebranding by ensuring that no lookalikes are selling imitations of your goods or services.
  • Furthermore, you must register a trademark in India to safeguard your rights and preserve your intellectual property.
  • Every aspiring business owner should be aware of the many benefits for registration of trademark.

Major benefits of trademark registration in India

1. Exclusiveness

A registered trademark owner can use the same trademark for any product that fits within the classifications listed in the application, known as the selective right. It stops other parties from promoting comparable goods or services under similar trademarks.

2. Protection from infringement

When a trademark is registered, the product is given intellectual property that grants the owner exclusive rights. As a result, any third party that uses the trademark without the owner's consent will be prohibited from infringing on it. A trademark infringement occurs when an unauthorised party uses a trademark that is confusingly similar to or identical to the original owner of a registered trademark to promote goods and services that are part of the same class of goods or services for which the original trademark is registered.

3. Set apart from competing goods

The third benefit of trademark registration is it sets a product apart from its competitors at first glance. A customer base will be developed based on a product's distinctive trademark and brand value. This will serve as a useful business tool. It draws customers' attention and influences their purchasing decisions, clearing up doubts about a brand's legitimacy.

4. Brand value and goodwill

An official trademark serves as a representation of the owner's identity. A trademark informs customers about the business's brand value, financial stability, and market reputation. Customers will connect a product with a certain standard of quality, features, and market performance once it is linked to a trademark. A trademark soon starts to function as a concrete indicator of the caliber of a good or service being provided. Therefore, it can be concluded that by increasing customer confidence, a registered trademark would improve the company's reputation in the marketplace.

5. Formation of a valuable intangible asset:

A registered mark serves as an asset by relieving the owner of the burdensome requirement to demonstrate uniqueness at every stage of proving the false statements. A trademark functions as an intangible asset for accounting and income tax purposes.

In actuality, the owner may choose to sell, purchase, license, assign, utilize these trademarks for commercial purposes, or even franchise them. It can also be a source of income because money may be made from selling, granting licenses, or giving them to other people.

6. Recognition & Eligibility Worldwide

Since India is a party to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, Indian trademark applications are entitled to special treatment and priority when registering and protecting their marks in other signatory nations. Following this convention, the Registered Owner may utilize the Indian trademark registration certificate to support a priority or previous user claim. The applicant may make an application for protection in any other contracting state within six months following the filing of such an application for the right of priority by any one of the convention's signatory states.

7. Economical defense

A trademark registered in India is good for ten years after the application was submitted. There is no maximum on the number of times it may be renewed; it can be renewed whenever convenient. In India, registering a trademark online is quite easy and affordable. Once filed, the trademark is usually awarded a few days later.

8. Draws in new clients

Trademarks also aid in the growth of the business by drawing in new clients who will begin to associate the company's worth with the signs they see. More customers and clients are drawn in because the company's brand is seen favorable.

9. Ten Years of Complete Security at a Reasonable Price

Online trademark registration is quick and inexpensive, and once you're done, there aren't any further expenses to worry about. After 10 years, you must pay a little renewal charge to protect your trademark.

10. Facilitates the Process of Filing for Worldwide Trademark Registration

Gaining international brand protection does not come with registering your trademark in India. You can use your Indian trademark registration as the basis for an application to register your trademark in other countries. Applying and benefits of international trademark registration in other countries is simpler.

Some More Advantages of Trademark Registration in India

1. Creates Space for Business Growth

A registered trademark establishes a link between a business and its clients. Businesses that offer cutting-edge and effective products can quickly expand their consumer base. Additionally, your trademark aids in consumer acquisition and retention. Your business revenues are safeguarded by the ten-year exclusive use rights that come with trademark registration. Businesses may profit from having a large consumer base by expanding and introducing new items.

2. Acknowledgement of the Excellence of the Goods or Services

Because customers associate your brand's quality with its name, trademark registration validates the quality of your products. This will assist you in drawing in new clients who will recognize the high calibre of your company's products from your brand name or logo.


There are several benefits of federal trademark registration, including increased brand value, increased commercial involvement, and access to global expansion opportunities. The owner's exclusive right would prevent all trademark infringements and inappropriate uses. Consequently, it can be said with certainty that a good trademark is easy to remember, which enhances a company's image and fosters consumer confidence in its products and services while preserving the uniqueness and distinction that make it stand out in the marketplace. Want to get your trademark registered? Call the MKDA team, they will help you with the best knowledge and expertise.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the use of a trademark certificate?

A trademark certificate is an official document attesting to your trademark registration with a particular IP office. It contains the official owner of the trademark, the class(es) in which it is registered, and the registration number under which the trademark may be found in the trademark registry.

What are the documents required for trademark registration?

Registration of trademark requires:

  • Government-approved ID card
  • Proof of use of services
  • Application of trademark and
  • Power of attorney

Do trademarks expire?

Yes, trademarks are valid only for 10 years.

Can I apply for a trademark myself?

Anyone can apply on their behalf to register a trademark. However, hiring an attorney will make the trademark registration procedure easier when considering practicality. Applying for a trademark requires following specific steps. A request for information is made.

What is the duration of trademark rights for a registered mark?

A trademark registered in India is valid for ten years after filing the application. But the trademark may be renewed once again.